Deep Sleep Music 24/7 | 528Hz Miracle Healing Frequency | Sleep Meditation Music | Sleeping Deeply

Deep Sleep Music 528Hz – Miracle Healing Frequency – Sleep Meditation Music – Sleeping Deeply with the 396Hz Solfeggio Frequency and 1.5Hz Delta Waves (Binaural Beats). Allow your Soul to travel home to recharge, rejuvenate and heal while you are nurtured with this tranquil music. Goodnight, dear Soul. ❀ MP3 Download ►

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❀ Delta Binaural Beats ❀
✓ Deep relaxation of body and mind (as in REM sleep)
✓ Revitalizing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual Aura
✓ Enhances Inner peace & balance
✓ Release of Anti-Aging Hormones
✓ Decrease cortisol (stress hormone associated with illness)
✓ One may experience deep bliss in delta meditations
✓ Healing physical injuries
✓ Restore and reinvigorate prana (life energy)
✓ Boosting the immune system
✓ A deeper connection to self
✓ Sharpens intuition
✓ Releasing Human growth hormone (bone, muscle and body growth)

❀ 396Hz Solfeggio Frequency ❀
A very grounding, cleansing and balancing frequency. Very powerful in the process of cleansing fear, helplessness, sadness, anxiety and worries. It´s great for building up and maintaining physical energy and vitality, as well as encouraging a sense of feeling safe and secure – no matter what´s going in the external world. It´s all about finding that place of peace, security, and power within – no – no matter what your surrounding circumstances are. Boosting confidence. Boosting problem-solving abilities. Boosting energy levels. Enhancing the feeling of belonging and importance in the world – feeling important and valuable; feeling love for oneself through thick and thin; connected and grounded to Mother Earth and your earthly purpose. Staying grounded within this frequency dissolves fear, anxiety, helplessness, and victim mentality. This frequency is also associated with the Root Chakra, the color red, and the musical C-note.

❀ 528Hz Music ❀
Resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 528Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence, and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of separation. It expands our hearts and makes us more compassionate and loving. One thing is for sure. A person who resonates with love have inner peace – and this is the starting point for a world where we live in Unity, Peace and Harmony with each other and Mother Earth.

❀ Healing Sleep Tones ❀
Know that you are appreciated and always welcome here. We are here to be of service to you and to our world by sharing Healing Sleep Music charged with Loving Intentions, healing frequencies, binaural beats; Supporting your body and brain to activate your innate ability and blueprint for natural, healthy and healing sleep patterns now. When sleep is natural and automatic, life is easier. The positive ripple effect is huge. We care about you. We don´t need to know you to care. We are here on this journey together.

Sleep allows your Soul to travel out of your body back “home” to recharge, cleanse and bring back into your body pure cosmic life-force. As well as bringing more balance, clarity, and alignment to your coming day.

May these tones and frequencies nourish your body, mind, and Soul – and lull you into the deepest rejuvenating and healing sleep yet.

Infinite Peace & Love to you.

💙 💙 💙
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Reiki for Gratitude | Energy Healing – Reiki Session from a Reiki Master Teacher. 🔻MORE INFORMATION🔻

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This Reiki session is intended to assist you improve your physical and mental well-being by increasing the feeling of Gratitude,

Being in a sleep, awake, occupied or engaged in other activities while simultaneously
receiving Reiki, will never impair from its effectiveness.
Reiki always works for your highest good and most benevolent outcomes.

The infinite wisdom of Reiki flows only where it is desired, affecting matter at subtle levels. Your personal acceptance and openness to receiving this healing energy will dictate the level of energy to receive.

You are encouraged to play this distance healing recording repeatedly as often as you wish. This Reiki sessions can have cumulative effects, meaning, the healing energy infused in these videos is amplified each time you play it.

Each of us has our unique response to the healing energy and our experience can indeed vary from session to session. It depends on how sensitive someone is to energy. Just relax and enjoy this healing energy flowing to you.

This is a “real time” Reiki session recorded from the beginning to end. While channeling energy my focused and devoted attention will prevail throughout the session. Therefore, I do not speak and remain silent at all times. Soothing background music is used to further promote deeper relaxation during the session.

In order for Reiki to work effectively, please be open to receiving the healing energy.
It is extremely beneficial to drink water after receiving Reiki as part of the healing process.

Important Note: Treatment with Energy Healing such as Reiki – does not promise to cure any illness or condition nor replaces professional medical treatment.


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I did everything possible to ensure that you really enjoy this Free Reiki Video Session and I will do everything in my power, in case you need any help. However, I want to put here clearly that I do not perform miracles and I do not promise to cure anyone. In critical situations, please, use your common sense and help yourself first by seeking qualified professional help.

My services may be useful for many but not for everyone, so I wanted to emphasize that there are no promises, guarantees or representations that you will attain cure of any condition nor win or earn any money as a result of using any of my services. The use of any of my information, products and services should always be based on your own diligence, and you agree that I am not responsible in any way for your success nor failure. I am merely the facilitator who transmits channeled energy to you. Everything here mentioned is “energetically speaking” and that is the sole basis of my work.

If you enjoyed this energy work, show your appreciation by clicking on the like button and by subscribing to this channel.

Thank You!
– Lany


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