Archive for the tag: doctor

Lower back pain: Should Doctor Be Consulted? by Dr.Anil Raheja at Apollo Spectra Hospitals

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5 Best Pregnancy Lower Back Pain Relief Exercises – Ask Doctor Jo

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5 Best Pregnancy Lower Back Pain Relief Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo

Help relieve lower back pain during pregnancy with these simple exercises. For this video, I teamed up with Dr. Jen, a pelvic floor physical therapist who also happens to be pregnant! She’ll show you her top 5 exercises to help relieve low back pain when you are pregnant by mobilizing and stabilizing the pelvis. Watch more videos at

The first exercise to help relieve low back pain during pregnancy is an anterior and posterior pelvic tilt. This is when you are emphasizing moving your hips forwards and backwards.

The next lower back exercise is a lateral pelvic tilt, or moving your pelvis in a side to side direction.

Now you will focus on stability with your core muscles including the diaphragm, pelvic floor, transversus abdominis, and multifidus muscles (deep spinal muscles). This should be done while you are breathing normally, so try not to hold your breath. After you achieve this, you can add in a bridge to activate the gluteus muscles.

Then you will get onto all fours, or in quadruped. Then you will do pelvic tilts again, or some call it the cat/dog exercise or stretch. You can also do lateral tilts as well.

Finally, you will do the child’s pose or prayer stretch. If you are later in your pregnancy, you can use a pillow for support.


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5 Best Pregnancy Lower Back Pain Relief Exercises :

DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Ask Doctor Jo, LLC, its officers, employees, and contractors for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. Ask Doctor Jo, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.
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Lower Back Pain: When to See Your Doctor

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Have you experienced pain in the lower portion of your spine? You are not alone. About 80 percent of adult Americans will have lower back pain at some point in their lifetime.

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It is a common medical complain that is responsible for many job-related disabilities as well as missed workdays. Although most cases of lower back pain will improve on their own, it is important to see your physician if the condition lasts more than four weeks.

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[Lower Back Pain]
[Doctor discussing the lower back pain risks and symptoms]
Juliet Vento:
Most people at some point in their lives will experience lower back pain. When should you seek help from your doctor? If your back pain has been lasting more than four weeks or if you’re having other symptoms like weakness in your legs or any kind of numbness or tingling down the leg, you should definitely seek the help of your doctor. There are a few non-surgical options that we can try in terms of back pain, depending on whether the back pain is acute or chronic. In terms of an acute back pain, we can try anti-inflammatories like Ibuprofen, Naproxen, perhaps entire doses. We could even try a low dose course of steroids. We could try physical therapy also. All of these are temporizing measures and hopefully they’ll get better with these. But if the back pain persists despite trying all of these conservative measures, then we’d definitely refer you to a specialist.

[End Transcript]
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See your doctor NOW! (BACK PAIN). Understand red flags for lower back pain

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See your doctor NOW!(BACK PAIN)-

Understand Red Flags for Lower Back Pain

Many patients when struck by an episode of lower back pain are unsure of what to do? This is a quick list of frequently asked questions:

-Do I need an xray?
MRI and Xrays increase your anxiety delay your recovery when done immediately upon having a episode of back pain.
-Do I need to see a doctor?
Most cases as long as you don’t have red flags meaning certain signs or symptoms you can see a physical therapist first.
-Should I wait and see if it gets better?
Delays in seeking care can prolong recovery. Simple education on and telling people what not to do is powerful and improves outcomes
Most back problems resolve in 2-3 months close to %90. The %10 that don’t get better tend to have surgery, injections and significant delays in healing.
– Is it safe to see a physical therapist first?
Research shows that physical therapists do the same screening as physicians often more comprehensive simple because of time devoted to the evalauation. In most cases I will refer to physician if unsure of findings or red flags are noted.
-Is it safe to start gentle exercise immediately after an episode?
Yes. Typically in first 2-3 days. Research shows outcome are not as good if bed rest is beyond 3 days. The general recommendation is to move as tolerated with a walking program, getting up every 30 minutes and gentle stretches.

The question is do I go to the doctor first, when to start treatment or simple see if you get better over time.

We discuss the times when you should going to the doctor immediately or in for emergency visit. And when we can try conservative care with a physical therapist. This is a short list of things to consider if you are dealing with back especially if it has been longer than 2-3 months since the onset and is not improving.

-Either younger than 20 years of age or greater than 55 years of age.
-Non-mechanical back pain
– Violent trauma
-Long term steriod use
– Previous medical history of Cancer
-Bowel and Bladder Problems
-Systemic Systems
– Persistent restriction for lumbar flexion
-Saddle Anesthesia
-Progressive Weakness
-Unexplained Weight Loss
-No relief with bed rest
-Balance problems

These are a few of “red” flags that should be considered when deciding to see a physical therapist or a doctor first. Good luck! Please post a comment below if you have any questions.

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When to see a doctor about chronic hip pain

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When arthritis pain interferes with daily activity, it may be time to consider total hip replacement. Dr. Steven Allsing an orthopedic surgeon affiliated with Sharp Grossmont Hospital, discusses when to see a doctor.

To learn more about hip replacement surgery at Sharp, visit