Archive for the tag: Exercises

5 Best Pregnancy Lower Back Pain Relief Exercises – Ask Doctor Jo

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5 Best Pregnancy Lower Back Pain Relief Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo

Help relieve lower back pain during pregnancy with these simple exercises. For this video, I teamed up with Dr. Jen, a pelvic floor physical therapist who also happens to be pregnant! She’ll show you her top 5 exercises to help relieve low back pain when you are pregnant by mobilizing and stabilizing the pelvis. Watch more videos at

The first exercise to help relieve low back pain during pregnancy is an anterior and posterior pelvic tilt. This is when you are emphasizing moving your hips forwards and backwards.

The next lower back exercise is a lateral pelvic tilt, or moving your pelvis in a side to side direction.

Now you will focus on stability with your core muscles including the diaphragm, pelvic floor, transversus abdominis, and multifidus muscles (deep spinal muscles). This should be done while you are breathing normally, so try not to hold your breath. After you achieve this, you can add in a bridge to activate the gluteus muscles.

Then you will get onto all fours, or in quadruped. Then you will do pelvic tilts again, or some call it the cat/dog exercise or stretch. You can also do lateral tilts as well.

Finally, you will do the child’s pose or prayer stretch. If you are later in your pregnancy, you can use a pillow for support.


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5 Best Pregnancy Lower Back Pain Relief Exercises :

DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Ask Doctor Jo, LLC, its officers, employees, and contractors for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. Ask Doctor Jo, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.
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7 Exercises to Relieve Back Pain In 10 Minutes

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How to to Relieve Back Pain in 10 Minutes. Back pain is a very common health problem that many people have to live with, and exercising is the best way to deal with it. If you want to relieve pain for free and easily, try our exercises to feel better in 10 minutes.

Exercise #1. Hamstring stretch 0:40
Exercise #2. Double leg knee to chest stretch 1:45
Exercise #3. Knee stretch to the chest 3:22
Exercise #4. Psoas stretch 5:43
Exercise #5. Spinal stretch 8:15
Exercise #6. Quadriceps stretch 10:50
Exercise #7. Downward facing dog against a wall or chair 13:17


-Doing harmstring stretch is essential for relieving back pain as it’s usually tight hamstrings that affect the movement of your pelvis.
-Taking care of your muscles is crucial as muscles with a bad range of movement are prone to spinal cord arthritis and spinal cord stenosis. Apart from preventing such consequences, this exercise also ensures that your blood supply is healthy and assists the nutrients in that particular area.
-Knee stretches have the same effect on the body as the double knee to chest stretches. These ones, however, use the partial weight of the body to relax the thigh muscles while correcting the backbone and related muscles.
-Psoas stretch affects your psoas and helps relieve back pain for good in the long run.
-A spinal stretch or spinal twist stretch ensures the mobility of your spinal muscles, helping you to maintain good posture and making back pain go away.
-In addition to your quadriceps, this stretch targets your hips and back. It also increases blood circulation in that particular area.
-Downward facing dog comes straight from yoga and has multiple benefits. It releases any stress in the shoulders, neck, thighs, or back and increases the spaciousness in your torso by creating movement in the quadriceps.

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5 Exercises for a Strong Lower Back (NO MORE PAIN!)

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Mckenzie Exercises for Low Back Pain

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Mckenzie Exercises for Low Back Pain

Mckenzie Exercises- Uploaded as part of an E-skills portfolio and used as a reflective tool. I am aware the skill will not be perfect but any comments for improvements are welcome, thanks!

Beginners Back Exercises for Strengthening your Back Muscles

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Back exercises for beginners with Physical Therapist Michelle Kenway from Please scroll down for written guidelines for doing these exercises I have included for my hearing impaired viewers. I hope you enjoy these back exercises and they give you more information about how to safely strengthen your back muscles. Your comments & questions are most welcome!

Your comments and questions are most welcome!

These 4 Physiotherapist-guided back exercises are designed to:
*Improve posture
*Recover back strength
*Reduce neck and back strain
*Prevent back injury

Back Exercises Suitability

These back strengthening exercises are suited to healthy individuals seeking gentle upper and lower back strengthening exercises.

This Physiotherapist video consists of:
*2 upper back exercises
*2 lower back exercises

No single back exercise program can suit everyone. If you have and existing back problem or back pain seek the approval of your health care provider before commencing new back exercises. In the unlikely event you experience any back discomfort associated with any of these exercises cease that exercise.

Description of these 4 Back Exercises

Upper Back Exercise 1: Push Back

Push back exercises promote good posture. These exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles in the middle back (between the shoulder blades)

*Starting Position
*Lying down prone
*Place a pillow under your pelvis. Positioning a pillow or cushion under your pelvis can help to reduce the risk of lower back discomfort when doing exercises in prone position. This is recommended but not essential if your back feels comfortable without a support.
*Position your arms by your sides with your palms facing your thighs
*Tuck your chin towards your chest so that your forehead touches the mat. Always keep your chin tucked in and your forehead supported when doing exercises lying down prone on the mat. This will help you to minimise your risk or neck pain or neck injury.

*Keep your arms extended and raise them backwards
*Draw your shoulder girdles back and down
*Slowly lower both arms back to the mat
*Keep both feet in contact with the ground
*Repeat up to 10 times in a row

Upper Back Exercise 2: Stop Sign Exercise

Stop sign promotes back strengthening for upright posture. It strengthens the middle back and back of shoulders.

*Starting Position
*Start lying down prone
*Place a cushion or pillow under your pelvis
*Position your arms palms facing down and elbows out from your trunk
*Bend your shoulders and elbows to right angles. If you are prone to shoulder problems keep your elbows close to the sides of your trunk or avoid this exercise in favor of push back exercises.
*Tuck your chin so that your forehead remains in contact with the mat
*Keep both feet in contact with the ground throughout

*Squeeze your shoulder blades together
*Raise your elbows and wrists backwards away from the ground
*Return your arms back to the ground
*Repeat up to 10 exercises in a row

Lower Back Exercise 1: Lower Back Extension
This exercise strengthens the lower back muscles and spine.

*Start lying down prone
*Position a cushion or pillow under your pelvis
*Place your arms by your sides
*Tuck your chin and keep your forehead in contact with the mat
*Keep both feet in contact with the ground throughout

*Raise your shoulders and chest just off the mat. If you are prone to lower back pain avoid raising your trunk too far from the ground.
*Lower your body slowly back down to the mat
*Take a moment to recover before your next repetition
*Repeat up to 10 exercises in a row

Lower Back Exercise 2: Alternate Arm and Leg Raises (Superman Exercise)

Alternate arm and leg raises strengthen the core spinal and the deep abdominal muscles. This lying down variation is a great alternative to the kneeling version for beginners, individuals with knee pain or unstable pelvic conditions.

*Start lying down prone
*Position a cushion or pillow under your pelvis
*Extend both arms in front of your body and in contact with the mat
*Keep your chin tucked so that your forehead touches the mat

*Gently engage your deep abdominal muscles
*Slowly raise one arm and the opposite leg just off the mat. If your shoulders are sore you may prefer to avoid the arm raises and focus on the leg raises only
*Avoid raising the leg too high from the ground – high leg raises have potential to increase strain on the joints in the lower back
*Lower both limbs slowly back to the ground
*Relax your core abdominal muscles
*Repeat this action using the opposite arm and leg
*Repeat up to 10 alternate arm and leg raises

These 4 basic back exercises will help strengthen your lower back muscles – get down and get started now!

Celebrity trainer Donovan Green answers your fitness questions! Don’t let bulging disks or lower back pain prevent you from reaching your fitness goals. This one simple exercise will help you get fit, pain-free. Plus, try more low-impact workouts at
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3 Exercises to Help Prevent Back Pain

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Cliff Bardelli, an exercise specialist at the Sewall Healthy Living Center at Sharp Coronado Hospital, demonstrates exercises to help prevent back pain.

“When you have a strong back, your body is more able to withstand the unexpected. Strengthening the muscles in your core and back stabilize the spine so the rest of your body can move more safely and efficiently,” explains Bardelli.

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Arthritis Pain Relief : Hip Range-of-Motion Exercises

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Hip range-of-motion exercises are important for arthritis pain relief because the hip draws synovial fluid, which lubricates your joints. Discover these hip range of motion exercises with help from a certified Pilates master trainer and movement specialist in this free video on arthritis pain relief.

Expert: Seth Hampton
Bio: Seth Hampton has over 20 years of personal and professional experience in the fields of fitness and wellness
Filmmaker: Jeromy Robert

Series Description: Arthritis pain can be frustrating, but there are several exercises that can help relieve this pain. Discover these arthritis pain relief exercises from a certified Pilates master trainer and movement specialist in this free video on arthritis pain relief.
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The acupressure point for hip pain is located at Gallbladder 30, also known as the pocket point because it is located near the back pocket of most pants. Apply pressure to the pocket point to alleviate hip pain with a demonstration from a doctor of Oriental medicine in this free video on natural remedies.

Expert: Hillary Talbott
Bio: Hillary Talbott is a doctor of Oriental medicine practicing at Acupuncture & Herbal therapies in St Petersburg Florida.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

Series Description: Acupressure is the art of applying gentle to firm pressure on sensitive points along the body’s meridians. Learn the art of acupressure from a doctor of Oriental medicine in this free video series on alternative remedies.
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7 Simple Core Exercises That Prevent Lower Back Pain

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UC San Diego Health’s Dr. Douglas Chang shows us seven simple exercises that can help prevent lower back pain.

Learn more about Sports Medicine at UC San Diego Health:
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