Archive for the tag: Inflammatory

Postsurgical Inflammatory Neuropathy-Mayo Clinic

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Postsurgical Inflammatory Neuropathy-Mayo Clinic

In this video, P. James Dyck, M.D., discusses the new research Mayo Clinic has done regarding postsurgical inflammatory neuropathy. This new study found that nerve inflammation may cause the pain, numbness and weakness following surgical procedures that is known as post-surgical neuropathy. The development of postsurgical neuropathies is typically attributed to compression or stretching of nerves during surgery. This new research shows that, in some cases, the neuropathy is actually caused by the immune system attacking the nerves and is potentially treatable with immunosuppressive drugs. The study was published in this month’s issue of BRAIN.

Study Determines Risk of Prescription Anti Inflammatory Drugs (Package)

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Study Determines Risk of Prescription Anti Inflammatory Drugs (Package)

Researchers find a popular arthritis drug does not increase heart-related complications, instead the study raises questions about two of the most commonly used prescription anti-inflammatory drugs in the world.

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24 ANTI INFLAMMATORY FOODS with CRAZY Powerful Healings Benefits

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The above video shows how anti inflammatory foods can improve your health. This strategy can be useful to minimize potential ignition due to stress, training, genetics and various lifestyle factors that could impact on your health and your performance.

Increase fiber intake that is found in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially berries and whole grains, is also a good way to increase the amount of anti-inflammatory foods in your diet. Try to eat colorful fruits, berries, fruits and orange and yellow vegetables, and dark green leafy vegetables.

Another tip: Add anti-inflammatory spices like ginger and turmeric in your diet. Green tea and dark chocolate are also great options.

How To Follow An Anti Inflammatory Diet

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Inflammation is at the root cause of many chronic health issues. Following an Anti-Inflammatory Diet is a great way to heal inflammation and also a great place to start if you are confused about what kind of diet is right for you.
I forgot to mention a few points like eggs in the video so see below for added info and to be reminded of what foods to enjoy and what foods to avoid.

Foods to Enjoy:
All the veg you want. Lightly sautee if raw is difficult for your system to digest.
Gluten free grains.
Any legumes you tolerate (soak for 24-72 hours and cook slowly).
Low mercury fish.
Sweet potatoes.
Grassfed, pastured, organic animal proteins like bison, lamb, beef, poultry.
Low glycemic fruit.
Nuts and seeds.
Natural sweeteners in small amounts like maple syrup, raw local or manuka honey, stevia, monk fruit, coconut sugar.
Healthy fats like ghee, grassfed butter, coconut oil, avocados, cold pressed organic olive oil.
Organic pastured eggs.

Foods to Avoid:
Dairy (especially cow)
Commercial non organic eggs
Red or white potatoes
Soy Products (small amounts of fermented soy is ok)
Nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants)
Fruit juices
Dried fruit
Processed foods
Fried foods

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Hello from Dr. Patti Kim + Dr. Angela Agrios! We are both California Licensed Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) who have been practicing for 10+ years.
Naturopathic Medicine integrates conventional and natural medicine principles and practices. For those of you new to Naturopathic Medicine, here’s a little bit more for you:

We’re all doing our best and we’re doing PRETTY WELL. We’re excited to share the best of what we have studied, seen in practice, and continue to learn to do EVEN better! Our mission is to show you how fun and easy taking good care of yourself can be so that we all feel Pretty Well!


Dr. Patti Kim, ND, LAc:
Dr. Angela Agrios, ND:



*This content is strictly for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Angela Agrios, Dr. Patti Kim nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.
Video Rating: / 5

Nutrition for Inflammation and Arthritis

Joint pain and stiffness are common complaints doctors hear from patients. Personal health advocate Carrie Bloemers says, arthritis is a common problem that can lead to joint swelling and pain. “It’s really uncomfortable and it’s something that people experience and live with daily.”

There are natural things patients can do to minimize the pain without taking medication. “The foods we eat can increase the inflammation levels in our body so therefore, if we are able to follow an anti-inflammatory diet with antioxidants we can help control some of the symptoms of arthritis and inflammation,” said Bloemers.

Antioxidants lower levels of inflammation throughout the body. “The goal is to minimize the overall symptoms so the aches and the pains from arthritis so they may have a lower dependency on some of the medications they are taking,” said Bloemers.

Foods high in antioxidants like blueberries, grapes, and greens, can help with joint inflammation. But processed foods and foods in high fat and sugar can keep your joints inflamed. “Not only do we need our blues and our purples, we need red, yellow, orange, and green nutrients so plant based materials every day too,” said Bloemers.

A regular healthy diet can help with day to day pain and swelling. “Eating blueberries one time isn’t going to make your knee feel better. It’s your habits of including a healthy diet high in antioxidants, low in inflammatory foods, like high fatty processed meats or high sugar foods that over time are going to help lower the inflammation in your body,” said Bloemers.

In addition to fruits and vegetables, health experts also recommend patients maintain an active lifestyle to prevent joint stiffness.

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